Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

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There are many great options for students looking for a college aviation program. Many colleges offer programs designed to prepare students to join the aviation industry by providing training to become pilots or air traffic controllers. These colleges operate under FAR Part 141 and provide an FAA-approved curriculum.

In this seminar, we have invited pilots from a handful of the most prominent aviation college programs in the country to share their experiences. How do the programs differ?  What should a new student know when evaluating these programs?

If you are exploring your next step in aviation education, join this seminar and ask our panelists about their reasons for selecting their schools and how their experience lived up to the expectations.


Dante Pacini is a flight instructor with an instrument instructor rating.  He began flight training as part of the Upwind Summer Scholarship Program and San Carlos Flight Center and continued his aviation education at University of North Dakota (UND) where he currently works as an instructor. He plans on pursuing a career at the airlines.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


In observance of Thanksgiving, we are not holding a safety seminar on Wednesday, November 24th. Please enjoy the time with loved ones and friends.

We’ll see you on our next seminar that is airing Saturday, November 27 at 12 PM – “Collegiate Aviation – Careers in Aviation”. In the meantime feel free to browse our growing seminar archive of over 400 safety seminars available to web members. For more information on our web membership visit our website listed here.

-SCFC Seminar Team


Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


San Carlos Flight Center invites long-time charter Captain Ben Taber to identify some common ways that pilots may inadvertently cross the line and expose themselves to not only penalties but significant risks. In this seminar, Ben will explain how the rules imposed on charter operations were created to reduce risk to life and property, along with explaining why you are forbidden to offer your flying services to the general public.

Regulations prohibit private pilots from being compensated in any way for their role as a pilot. However, every year, both private and commercial pilots run afoul of regulations by conducting flights that can be interpreted as acting as an air carrier or charter operator. Join us for this opportunity for all pilots to increase their awareness and knowledge of flight operations that may on the surface appear reasonable but are in fact illegal charter operations.


Capt. Bennett Taber is a check airman and training captain with over 35 years and 18,000 hours of air charter experience throughout the western United States. His first 500 hours of flying were conducted in Alaska. Captain Taber manages flight operations and charter sales for Dreamline Aviation in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a Dreamline Training Captain in Beech King Air aircraft.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


Pop quiz: What is the new ICAO standard marking for a taxiway approaching a runway?  What is the difference between a relocated threshold and a displaced threshold and what does that indicate to pilots? What is a runway approach holding sign and what are pilots expected to do?

Most pilots have an operational knowledge of the most common runway signs and markings, but if you travel to a larger airport, are you knowledgeable about some of the less common signs and markings? If it has been awhile since you sat through ground school, you may want to join us for a refresher on airport signs and markings. Join SCFC CFI tyler Sorensen as he  reviews the common markings and signs as well as delve into other less common but still important signs and markings.

This safety seminar is open to current and aspiring Private Pilots, and will be of particular interest to student pilots and those who are preparing for a flight review.


Tyler Sorensen is a Bay Area native. He grew up in Fremont and graduated from CSU East Bay. After working in the tech industry for nearly a decade, Tyler made the decision to pursue a career in aviation full-time. It has been his dream to fly since the age of ten, so he got his private pilot certificate in Palo Alto in 2018, and then went on to earn his other certificates soon after. While just being able to share the excitement of flight is amazing, Tyler’s favorite part of teaching is when the student achieves a breakthrough moment on a challenging subject and gains a new level of confidence and understanding.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


As instrument-rated pilots, we all have knowledge on many procedures but how often do we execute the unique ones? One unique IFR procedure is the Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA). A VCOA, is an alternative IFR departure procedure design for aircraft which cannot meet the performance requirements of standard IFR obstacle departure procedures (ODPs).

San Carlos Flight Center invites CFI Brian Eliot to review the charting conventions for VCOA procedures, the basis for their design, and where a pilot can expect to encounter them. We will look at airports and runways served by VCOA. Finally, we present a scenario of requesting and receiving at a non-towered airport a departure clearance incorporating VCOA and follow the progress of the flight thereafter.

If you need a refresher on this procedure or want to learn more about how to fly this correctly, don’t miss out on this seminar.


Brian Eliot is San Carlos Flight Center’s Assistant Chief Pilot and resident expert for IFR training and Garmin G1000 avionics. He has been flying since 1995 and received all his training in the Bay Area. Brian previously worked as a broadcast engineer, a software developer, and taught computer science at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He regularly presents at San Carlos Flight Center safety seminars and has a reputation for making complex concepts easy to learn and understand.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


UL94 – After 2 Months of Use

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

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With the approval and availability of unleaded fuel for use in most GA aircraft, many owners & operators have made the switch. Swift’s UL94 Avgas offers many operational benefits compared to traditional 100LL. What are these benefits and how has this fuel improved the operations of a flight school and their aircraft?

Join the Owner of San Carlos Flight Center, Alessandro Franco, as he discusses the implementation of UL94 in a flight school environment. He will share the process of obtaining and implementing the STCs, the maintenance benefits observed over the past two months on engine spark plugs, cylinder operation, and oil changes, along with an overview on the operating limitations and environmental benefits.

As the first and only flight school at San Carlos Airport to run their entire eligible fleet on Unleaded Avgas, this is a great opportunity to learn more about how to transition your flight school or aircraft to Swift’s UL94 Avgas.


Alessandro Franco is a pilot and the Owner of the San Carlos Flight Center. Alessandro is the lead of all Flight Center operations, activities, and relations. He was happy to be involved in bringing Swift’s UL94 Avgas to the SCFC fleet, the 1st at San Carlos Airport.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


Night Flying

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


On November 7th, Daylight Savings Time will be ending, and with it brings early nightfall.  For those of us who work a regular 9-5 schedule, early nightfall means an increase in night flying time.  How current are your night skills? Maybe it’s time to focus on what is different between day VFR and night VFR flight.

Obviously, less ambient light adds challenges for anything requiring eyesight.  This includes preflight inspection, taxi safety, obstruction avoidance, IMC recognition and avoidance, cockpit resource management, and a number of other things.  Most familiar to pilots is probably the differences in landing. The sight picture of a normal approach to a runway is very different with reduced external visual cues from night.  Flashing lights can help or hurt pilot attention and recognition.

So should night flight be avoided?  Not necessarily.  Night flight brings with it reduced ATC workloads, often calmer winds, cooler temperatures that help performance, and the ability to spot traffic from farther off.  Your decision about flying at night can be aided by attending a Night Flying Refresher seminar like this one.


Herb Patten is the Chief Pilot at the San Carlos Flight Center, a CFI and an FAA certificated advanced and instrument ground instructor who teaches private pilot ground school at San Carlos Flight Center.  He is a commercial pilot with an instrument rating, has flown over 1,500 hours into at least 120 different California airports.  He is the current chairman of the Upwind Foundation, famous for its Upwind Summer Scholarship Program. In 2015, Herb was named a Master Instructor by the National Association of Flight Instructors.

San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.


IFR Operations in the Bay Area

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


Have you ever wondered why sometimes your practice instrument approaches work well with NorCal and other times it seems like you are just not in rhythm with the controller? Or why the controller may tell you a practice approach is not available? Ever hear the controller ask you about an LTA?

SCFC invites CFI Herb Patten to share some observations about doing instrument approaches in the Bay Area. In this seminar, you will learn about what approaches are not authorized and why, which approaches are limited, and how best to communicate with the controllers.

This topic will be of interest to any instrument pilot that flies in the Bay Area. The insights you gain from this seminar will help you make your next instrument flights go smoothly and avoid getting full scale deflection with a controller.


Herb Patten is the Chief Pilot at the San Carlos Flight Center, a CFI and an FAA certificated advanced and instrument ground instructor who teaches private pilot ground school at San Carlos Flight Center.  He is a commercial pilot with an instrument rating, has flown over 1,500 hours into at least 120 different California airports.  He is the current chairman of the Upwind Foundation, famous for its Upwind Summer Scholarship Program. In 2015, Herb was named a Master Instructor by the National Association of Flight Instructors.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.

Destination San Diego

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


San Diego is a classic Californian destination that boasts pristine beaches, attractions, and beautiful weather. With gorgeous surroundings it’s easy for a pilot to get distracted and not consider the complex airspace and local aeronautical challenges.

San Carlos Flight Center invites Instrument Rated Pilot Brandan Dadoun to discuss what pilots flying to San Diego need to know. With San Diego being a long-cross country from the Bay Area, pilots can put their cross country planning skills to the test. In this seminar Brandan will cover unique flight planning considerations for San Diego including local arrival and departure procedures, route selection for IFR and VFR pilots including TEC routes, transiting the San Diego Bravo airspace, W&B and fuel planning, and services/fees/facilities at multiple locations. Brandan will also cover the advantages of flying into one of the many San Diego airports including: SAN, MYF, and SEE. While concluding on the various activities one can do while enjoying a gorgeous weekend getaway.

Join us for this unique opportunity to delve into operations at the airports within the vicinity of San Diego, and how you can fly there safely and efficiently.


Brandan Dadoun is an instrument-rated private pilot and SCFC’s Seminar Coordinator. He has completed the majority of his flight training at SCFC with over 350 flight hours and has extensive flying experience throughout all of California in both piston and turbine-powered aircraft. He is actively involved within many aviation programs and is currently pursuing his commercial and multi-engine ratings. When he’s not flying, he enjoys playing the saxophone and staying active.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.




Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.**

Click here to learn more about online viewing


Keeping an airport strong takes a lot of hard work. The airplane owners and pilots of San Carlos Airport are fortunate to have a great team from San Mateo County maintaining and protecting the airport. Issues are addressed instantly, from runway surface issues to refurbishing the hangars, and limiting neighboring construction against flight operations.

SCFC invites San Carlos Airport Manager Gretchen Kelly to update the pilot community on anything that can impact the safety of flight operations. What upcoming closures can pilots expect?  What changes can pilots expect to operating rules and procedures?  What is the status of work to improve traffic pattern coverage by the contract control tower?

If you fly at San Carlos Airport, this presentation will bring you the latest news and information for pilots coming from the SQL Airport Management office.


Gretchen Kelly manages the San Carlos and Half Moon Bay Airports. Before her current position, she worked in corporate flight planning, medium-hub airport operations, and FAA airport certification/grant funding. Gretchen is a private pilot and holds a master of public administration from USC. She credits her talented staff and home delivery-everything for her work/life balance.


San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation through safety, community, and adventure. AOPA has consistently recognized SCFC in their Best Flight School survey, most recently in 2019 as a Distinguished Flight School.

SCFC is committed to promoting safety in general aviation through our regular safety seminars and guest speaker programs. Livestream access is free for everyone, but recorded seminars are available solely to members at a later date. Click here or contact a SCFC member service rep at (650) 946-1700 for more information about online access to our web archive.