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I Just Got ForeFlight, Now What?

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Students and new pilots are increasingly flying with computer tablets, and using software that replaces paper charts and documents with the digital equivalents. These applications, such as ForeFlight, are extremely

TBM Adventures Across Europe

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Flying in a 182 to the mountains might seem like the adventure of a lifetime, but how about flying a TBM 930 throughout Europe? For one Bay Area pilot, this

Do You Have What it Takes?

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

What is the most intense job interview you have ever had? When you knew you really wanted the position but also knew that one wrong answer would get your resume

SpaceX Booster LA

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Stand next to the SpaceX Booster and see just how large it is If Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, then FOG can

Blades of Glory

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Is this tiny nick on the propeller an airworthiness item? How perfect does the paint need to be to keep the propeller balanced? If my propeller isn’t completely broken, do

Understanding Density and Pressure Altitude

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

As pilots, we love altitude. So much that we've created a bunch of different kinds of altitude: true altitude, absolute altitude, indicated altitude, assigned altitude, and two kinds of confusing

Key West to California: Westbound Across America

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Most of us have only been on cross-country flights closer than 300 miles away from our home airport. Only a few of us venture to fly even longer distances. Flying

My 172 May Help Me Survive

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

If disaster strikes, you might be forced to land the airplane in the middle of nowhere. What happens next? You try to call for help, but nothing shows up. It’s