Private Pilot Syllabus Section 4
4A - Airport Operations
Learn the Airport Traffic Pattern and the Rules for Operating Around Airports
- 3
- 2½
- 0
- Listen to KSQL on LiveATC
- Observe flight operations from the gazebo while monitoring radio calls
- Practice situational awareness of aircraft in the traffic pattern
- Tour the SQL Control Tower
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- knows the San Carlos Airport runways, taxiways, and parking areas.
- is able to explain San Carlos Airport noise abatement procedures and restrictions on flight operations.
- has listened to and understands various airport ATC communications.
- has toured a control tower and understands the role of the tower and ground controllers.
4B - Traffic Pattern and Normal Approach
Learn the Size and Shape of the Airport Traffic Pattern and How to Establish a Safe Approach to the Runway
- 2
- 2½
- 1
- Fly the standard traffic pattern at the correct altitude
- Identify key position to start the landing
- Establish normal approach to runway
- Practice go-arounds
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- is able to describe the shape, size, names, and location of the traffic pattern legs.
- can fly a standard traffic pattern at the correct altitude.
- can demonstrate a standard approach to landing starting from a key position and using standard power, airspeed, and flap settings.
- establishes a stable descent glide in the downwind leg, a perpendicular base at a stable pitch and airspeed, and a stabilized final approach at the required airspeed with minimum changes to pitch and power.
- is able to execute a safe go-around with minimal loss of altitude at an airspeed appropriate for climbing.
- can understand and respond appropriately to standard traffic pattern radio calls.
4C - Landing
Develop a Procedure for a Safe and Stable Touchdown
- 1½
- 2½
- 1
- Stabilized approach
- Controlled/stable roundout
- Active/controlled flare
- Gentle touchdown
- Controlled ground roll
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- maintains stabilized final approach lined up on the extended runway centerline.
- rounds out smoothly to arrest the descent in ground effect without yaw.
- flares smoothly and gradually until the aircraft is parallel, over the runway centerline, and in the required landing attitude.
- touches down so that the landing impact is absorbed by the main landing gear, protecting the nose wheel.
- completes ground roll with nose light while tracking runway centerline, with appropriate crosswind correction.
- promptly clears the runway and the runway exit.
4D - Operating in Crosswinds
Develop Skills to Land Safely in a Crosswind
- 1
- 4½
- 1
- XWind simulator session
- Crosswind takeoff and landing practice in the airplane
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- can estimate crosswind component without a diagram or calculator.
- is able to lift off into a stable sideslip in a crosswind and transition to coordinated crab beyond the point of usable runway.
- crabs on final when in a crosswind, smoothly transitions from crab to sideslip on short final, and keeps the plane parallel for the remainder of the landing.
- is able to recognize when the crosswind component exceeds the ability of the pilot to safely land the airplane.
- touches down on the upwind wheel and maintains the required bank attitude as long as possible.
- maintains full crosswind taxi technique throughout ground roll and while exiting the runway.
4E - Other Landing Practice
Extend Landing Ability with Power-Off and Partial Flap Approaches
- ½
- 2½
- 1
- Partial-flap and no-flap landings
- Straight-in, 90°, 180° engine-out landings
- Forward slips to landing
- Turning slips
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- is able to demonstrate a power-off glide that results in the airplane entering ground effect over the aiming point at the target airspeed, with minimal excess energy.
- is able to demonstrate the use of slipping flight, flaps, and airspeed management as needed to control drag and glide angle in a power-off descent.
4F - Other Airports
Operating on Different Runways with Different Patterns and Procedures
- 1
- 2½
- 1
- Navigation to and from other local airports
- Takeoff and landing at PAO
- Takeoff and landing at HWD
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- has practiced landings at Palo Alto and Hayward airports.
4G - Associated Ground Topics
Acquire the Knowledge Needed to Support the Flight Skills of This Section
- 4½
- 2½
- 0
Completion Standards
When complete, the student
- can recognize the five hazardous flight attitudes and knows the antidotes.
- is able to identify risks associated with flights and implement mitigation strategies.
- is able to accurately compute aircraft total weight and determine the location of the center of gravity.
- is able to determine if the loaded weight and balance fall within aircraft load limitations.
- has calculated weight and balance for all solo and dual training scenarios.
- is able to determine the amount of runway required for takeoff and landing.