Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing Weather can play a huge factor in any pilots pre-flight planning and actual flight. Weather is a complex subject that can affect an aircraft's
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing Pilots new to the SF Bay area sometimes feel uncomfortable communicating with controllers in busier Class B and C airports. Let’s address that. Let’s
**Important notice about online viewing** Tonight’s interactive presentation: “Private Pilot Jeopardy” will be done in an entirely different way to allow for viewer interactivity. Click bit.ly/SCFCjeopardyaudio to listen in on the Zoom audio Click bit.ly/SCFCjeopardygame to join the interactive game software Please note: Due to the unusual technology infrastructure for a game show type seminar, we won’t
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing. You’ve read about them and maybe had to answer a knowledge test question about them but do you really need to know the details
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing Integrated, computer-based panels and instrumentation started appearing in general aviation cockpits at the start of this century. With the growth of flight instruments and
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing IFR pilots must have a thorough understanding of the charts they use. Pilots who have been flying IFR for years may be familiar with
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing As pilots, we study electrical systems in depth during primary flight training and each time we transition into flying a new aircraft. How much
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing Pilots live or die by the weather we fly in. We fly in a fish tank of air. Understanding whether that air is going
Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing Palo Alto Airport is the busiest GA airport in the Bay Area, with hundreds of operations a day. With ongoing construction, new taxiways, complicated