Private Pilot Syllabus Section 3

3A - Aerial Maneuver Training

Introduction to Topics in Aerial Maneuvers Practice


Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3B - Slow Flight

Safely Operate the Aircraft at the Edge of Controllable Flight


Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3C - Power-Off Stalls

Recognize and Recover from Excessive Angle of Attack


Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3D - Power-On Stalls and Spin Awareness

Recognize and Recover from Excessive Angle of Attack

Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3E - Ground Reference Maneuvers

Factor in Wind to Manage Your Ground Track


Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3F - Steep Turns

Demonstrate Mastery of Bank, Pitch, Power, and Yaw


Completion Standards

When complete, the student

3G - Progress Check

Review Your Progress to Ensure the Path is Working for You


Completion Standards

When complete, the student