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GSR: Aircraft Engines and Systems

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

*Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing. Are you a master of the systems in your aircraft?  Do you understand the fine differences between the ignition system vs. the electrical system? When

Full Moon Flyers – Changed to KSTS

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to smoke we will change our destination tonight to enjoy  outdoor socially distance dining at Santa Rosa's Sky Lounge.  The flight is spectacular, the restaurant is in the terminal building.  The night flight home can be used to renew your night currency and/or satisfy a night cross country requirement as well as the San

Using Videos In Your Flight Training

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing.     Learning how to fly an airplane is a complicated task. Each lesson is learning a new skill. Video recording your flight lessons can

Bay Area Landmarks and Hotspots

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing.   The SF Bay Area is filled with gorgeous mountains, ocean vistas, landmarks and more.  Navigating the Bay Area VFR can’t be done without knowledge

FOG Colorado Trip Recap

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing.   Look out for a description shortly.  

A Trip to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, What to Expect? A FOG Trip Recap

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing. The Colorado mountains are filled with countless picturesque sights and landmarks, and the Bay Area Fly Out Group (FOG) recently experienced that on an amazing

Advice from the Other Side: An SFO Controller’s Guide to Class B Operations and VFR Transitions

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing. Flying in Class Bravo airspace can be intimidating.  Pilots are often unfamiliar with the workings of Class B air traffic controllers and the commercial operations

What to Expect When Flying at Night

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing.     On November 1st, Daylight Saving Time will be ending, and with it brings early nightfall.  For those of us who work a regular

Effective Use of the PAVE Checklist for Flight Planning and Checkrides

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, this seminar will only be available for online viewing. IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.** Click here to learn more about online viewing. The PAVE Checklist has long been promoted by the FAA as a primary tool for risk management during flight planning. But have you ever thought