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Full Moon FBO Pizza Party at Sacramento International

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Feb 8th is the Full Moon and this month we will fly to Sacramento International for a “Pizza Party” at Sacramento International Jet Center. Opening as the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport

Hazards of Frost and Icing

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Flying along, you might think it's a beautiful crisp winter day until suddenly you take a peek at the beautiful scenery below and see frost on your wingtip. What are

Reaching For The Sky, How I Became an Airline Pilot

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

From piston props to jumbo jets, many people dream of becoming an airline pilot. But what does it take to get there? Randall Walliser has been involved in aviation for

Modesto CAF Central Valley Squadron Lunch

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Start off your Saturday and meet for the CAF Central Valley Squadron Lunch with fellow aviators at the hangar at Modesto Airport.  In fact the whole town comes. We’ll fly

What’s up at Palo Alto? Palo Alto Tower Operations

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

    Palo Alto Airport is the busiest GA airport in the Bay Area. Palo Alto is unique with new taxiways, complicated airspace, and forever changing conditions. Along with any

IFR Confidence Skills, Knowing how to Analyze Approach Plates

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Flying IFR brings its own sets of challenges. From managing your navigation to handling the radios, and flying the approach into your destination airport. As pilots, we need to be

Sunday Dinner at Harris Ranch

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

Sunday March 1st, we will fly to Harris Ranch (3O8) and meet at the Ranch Kitchen Restaurant  at 6 pm.   This is an awesome flight with tons of learning as

Seminar POSTPONED: Emergency Singnaling ELT’s and PLB’s

San Carlos Flight Center , Select a Country:

SEMINAR POSTPONED - WILL OCCUR ON WEDENSDAY APRIL 1ST @ 7PM San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) is the SF Bay Area’s most dynamic flying club, committed to building general aviation