Instrument rating refers to the qualifications that a pilot must have in order to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR). It requires additional training and instruction beyond what is required for a private pilot certificate or commercial pilot certificate, including rules and procedures specific to instrument flying, additional instruction in meteorology, and more intensive training in flight solely by reference to instruments. For most private pilots, the most significant value of flying under IFR is the ability to fly in instrument meteorological conditions enhancing flexibility. Additionally, all flights operating in Class A airspace, must be conducted under IFR, and an instrument rating is required when operating under special visual flight rules (SVFR) at night. Being able to accomplish all this will make you a safer pilot by thinking in terms of safe altitudes, fine tuning you flying skills, expanding your options, enhancing your flow and checklist skills, and maximizing you cockpit resource skills. Join Flight Center Senior Instructor Derek Vejby in this timely discussion of how and why to get your instrument rating